
A collection of memories: 2014, Le Tour in Yorkshire: Stage One, Leeds to Harrogate

Marcel Kittel winning stage one of the Tour de France in Harrogate 2014 Sam Bourne

Being at the finish line of Stage One of the Tour de France 2014 and seeing Mark Cavendish get up and cross the finish line having fallen just short of the finish. N.Slingsby


Seeing the Tour de France on Skipton Road in Harrogate! Sam Smith

Being on the finish line for Le Tour de France Stage 1 finish in Harrogate 5th July 2014! Steven Swales

Our favourite sporting memory was standing at the finish line in Harrogate at the Tour de France. I saw all the cyclists whizzing past and it made me feel very excited. Joshua Bowman


Cycling on the empty roads in Harrogate when the TDF was here Jo Beagley

Cycling to Harrogate from Pool in Wharfedale to watch the Tour de France finishing in Harrogate. There were so many bikes that the cars had to go slow. The cyclists were riding 5 or 6 wide and were all you could see travelling in both directions. Kelly Chadwick

Cycling through from Pool to Harrogate after watching the Tour De France, hundreds of cyclists took over the whole road! Richard Chadwick

Brilliant! Can't believe we pulled it off so well. Nice one Yorkshire (Harrogate)! Best bit, young kid on a mountain bike riding up Ripon Road after the Peleton had passed through getting cheers from the huge crowd. Sam Hall

Memory added on July 23, 2015


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